
“Chipmunks on 16 Speed or Chipmunkson16speed (stylized in lower case) is a 2015 musical project by Brian Borcherdt, in which he plays various Alvin and the Chipmunks songs and covers on vinyl, and slows them down to 16 revolutions per minute, slow enough that the vocals no longer sound sped up.” - Wikipedia

I usually see chipmunkson16speed (or Sludgefest, as it's often called) discussed in places like music subreddits or YouTube comment sections, where it's treated by most people as a novelty or a joke. My love of the project, however, is very sincere, and built upon a preexisting adoration of the Chipmunks and their discography. This page is dedicated to the sludgey vibes that have brought so much emotion to my life.


The original chipmunkson16speed project consists of two 12-song volumes released in 2015, as well as a 2018 Christmas single. The first volume features songs mostly from the 1988 album The Chipmunks and The Chipettes: Born to Rock, with additional songs taken from Chipmunk Punk (1980), and Urban Chipmunk (1981). Vol. 2 utilizes songs from a much larger pool of albums, including a returning Chipmunk Punk, as well as Chipmunk Rock (1982), The Chipmunks Go Hollywood (1982), and Chipmunks à Go-Go (1965). In December of 2018, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” was uploaded to Bandcamp as a single. The song was first released by the Chipmunks in 1963 as a part of Christmas with The Chipmunks, Vol. 2, and went on to be re-released six additional times, most recently in 2010. It was available in LP format four of those six times, so it's impossible to know exactly which album was sourced for the sludgepop version.

Vol. 1

1. Call Me
Length: 06:13
Original Release: Chipmunk Punk

2. Walk Like an Egyptian
Length: 6:48
Original Release: The Chipmunks and the Chipettes: Born to Rock

3. Heaven is a Place on Earth
Length: 07:58
Original Release: The Chipmunks and the Chipettes: Born to Rock

4. My Sharona
Length: 07:57
Original Release: Chipmunk Punk

5. You Keep Me Hanging On
Length: 08:10
Original Release: The Chipmunks and the Chipettes: Born to Rock

6. Diamond Dolls
Length: 06:18
Original Release: The Chipmunks and the Chipettes: Born to Rock*
*Diamond Dolls was written for the film The Chipmunk Adventure and first released as a part of its soundtrack in 1987, and re-released on Born to Rock in 1988. As Vol. 1 features many other songs from Born to Rock, it's most likely that Diamond Dolls was also sourced from that album.

7. Bad
Length: 04:52
Original Release: The Chipmunks and the Chipettes: Born to Rock

8. You Were Always On My Mind
Length: 06:48
Original Release: The Chipmunks and the Chipettes: Born to Rock

9. Venus
Length: 06:43
Original Release: The Chipmunks and the Chipettes: Born to Rock

10. Mony Mony
Length: 06:18
Original Release: The Chipmunks and the Chipettes: Born to Rock

11. Made For Each Other
Length: 10:43
Original Release: Urban Chipmunk

12. I Love a Rainy Night
Length: 06:13
Original Release: Urban Chipmunk

Vol 2.

1. Heartbreaker
Length: 06:28
Original Release: Chipmunk Rock

2. Refugee
Length: 06:08
Original Release: Chipmunk Punk

3. Whip It
Length: 05:18
Original Release: Chipmunk Rock

4. Bettie Davis Eyes
Length: 06:03
Original Release: Chipmunk Rock

5. Jessie's Girl
Length: 06:10
Original Release: Chipmunk Rock

6. Mr Tambourine Man
Length: 04:32
Original Release: Chipmunks à Go-Go

7. This Diamond Ring
Length: 04:27
Original Release: Chipmunks à Go-Go

8. Eye of the Tiger
Length: 07:54
Original Release: The Chipmunks Go Hollywood

9. Fame
Length: 06:26
Original Release: The Chipmunks Go Hollywood

10. How Do I Make You
Length: 04:41
Original Release: Chipmunk Punk

11. Good Girls Don't
Length: 06:22
Original Release: Chipmunk Punk

12. Chariots of Fire
Length: 06:11
Original Release: The Chipmunks Go Hollywood


chipmunkson16speed has inspired a number of people to undertake similar projects, most notably a YouTuber going by the name Maggie. Maggie has released multiple full-length 16 speed albums, as well as numerous sludgified singles. Notably, a few of their releases include original covers performed in the style of the Chipmunks by Soundcloud user Munk Records 101. Maggie has also uploaded slowed versions of songs by other virtual bands, such as the Nutty Squirrels and the California Raisins.


Sludgefest has inspired a small writing community which resides mostly in the comment section of YouTube uploads of the songs. These comments are characterized as in-character posts from an alternate history where the Chipmunks were a real band active during the '80s and early '90s who engaged in activities typical of that culture, such as promiscuous sex, heavy drug use, and frequent break-ups. The comments are typically framed as personal accounts of the Chipmunks' live performances. While there is no agreed upon canon, most comments feature the tragic premature death of at least one chipmunk. Below are several bits of prose from the comments of Chipmunks on 16 Speed - Sludgefest (Full Album).

"I was there at their infamous show in Detroit in late 1987. I was flown there with a head journalist from the paper I was aspiring to work at, as I had won a sweepstakes of sorts amongst the other interns to go with him to watch their performance. Originally we were supposed to get special reserved seating, but a group of some rather intimidating teen delinquents must have bribed their way into our spot. We ended up having to watch quite a ways towards the back in the cheap seats. They kept the crowd waiting some 45 minutes after the show was scheduled to start, and there was this air of angst and tension that I will never forget. The whole concert hall was hot, dim, with a heavy scent of beer and weed lingering in the air. Despite the place being packed to the brim, there was this terrifying silence, as if everyone was holding their breath.

I will never forget the collective gasp and change in energy when the curtains finally opened. Simon stood awkwardly with his guitar strapped to his chest standing completely motionless, resembling a cardboard cutout. Theo was obviously tripping on something strong, standing behind a meager setup of a small synthesizer and a drum machine. Alvin stood between them for a moment, took in the crowd, and then clumsily stepped forward towards the mic. He looked rough. His fur was matted, his signature red hoodie stained and torn. Then, in perfect unison, Simon and Theo started playing, and the set began.
As they began to play ( believe it was a cover of "Always On My Mind"), I couldn't help but be held in awe at their sound. The slow, murky, psychedelic sound of Simon's sludgy guitar. The desolate, hollow, eerie sound of Theo's synth. And the unforgettable sound of Alvin's voice, which sounded so utterly racked with emotion that even the journalist that I was with, who was anything but a sentimental guy, looked misty eyed as he watched. And when they all harmonized and sang together, it gave a feeling that I can't describe and I haven't felt since then. Like all the sadness, all the pain, all the pressure felt by young adults back then (and indeed, now) all perfectly given an identity through sound, all released at once in the form of sonically imperfect music that somehow sounded flawless.
Admittedly, it was extremely difficult to hear the finer details of the band, so I hardly noticed Alvin's extremely slurred words or Theodore playing offkey. However, halfway through their set, as they were about halfway through "You Keep Me Hanging On", I will never forget what happened. Alvin stopped singing for a moment, looked to the back of the concert hall, and froze. He then continued to sing, but I swear from where I stood it looked like he was watching a ghost. Then, I swear I saw a crooked smile stretch across his face for a moment before he collapsed on stage. The entire crowd gasped as the music abruptly stopped. Simon and Theodore ran over to try and help him up. I remember seeing how pained and labored Alvin's sides looked, as if each anguished breath took a huge amount of effort. They crouched over him, trying to revive him, but Simon soon ran backstage to get more help. Theodore just stared at Alvin, a look of stone-cold, sober agony on his face. How he must have felt, seeing his own brother dying. Soon, Simon returned with a beefy roadie, who picked up Alvin and quickly ran him backstage.
At that, the journalist I was with jumped up and pushed himself through the crowd, which was now going absolutely berserk. I followed him as best I could, trying to weave through the sweaty bodies of a thousand reeking, screeching teens. When I finally made it to the front, I showed my ID card to security, who were doing their best to keep the crowd back. They let me through, and as I ran up the stage and through the backdoor, I made it just in time to see the ambulance carrying Alvin speed away. Simon was gone, apparently riding in the ambulance with Alvin. But Theodore stayed behind. I will never forget how hollow his eyes were. I couldn't bare to look at him, the look of crushing agony and defeat that he had. He knew it was all over. Their fame. Their fortune. Their band. Their family. Destroyed. Forever.
After I made it back to New York City with the journalist I had gone with, I resigned. I wasn't the same person after experiencing what had happened that night, and I haven't been since. I still throw on my old Chipmunks vinyl from time to time, chasing after that old feeling I felt when I heard them for the first time. But there was one thing about that night that still keeps me awake, one thing above all else that will follow me until the day that I die.
As Alvin lay there on the stage, fighting for his every breath. As he was hauled away on the back of that roadie. As they drove him away inside of that ambulance. Even as he drew his last breath.
He never stopped singing. Not once. And his final words?
'Set me free.'"

- Breadsticat

"I saw Simon at his lowest after Sludgefest 94. This was after the infamous eye gouging incident between him and his boyfriend, but before his glass eye. Theodore almost lost it playing Heaven is a Place on Earth, it was the last thing they all practiced before Alvin's suicide-by-cop. Their manager Dave didn't even give them a week to grieve." - firmkillernate

"People always ragged on them for being 'just a cover band,' but the fans knew what they had. It melted their brains together as one waving, drugged out crowd. Back in ‘89 I remember the flair of their albeit poorly planned tours, but that was the fun of it. The smell of wood glue in people’s hair, Alvin getting into fights in a cross faded rage, the grunge of it all. I met my wife there.
Rest in hell Simon, I wish you could’ve seen your daughter’s career skyrocket before cancer took you from us." - mylar

"RIP Alvin. Saw him live only once. Cleveland, 81. Will never forget that sound. So young. Full of piss and vinegar. The smile he had when he walked up to the mic and told the group of us that he was gonna 'blow your fucking minds' - it would have been cocky if he hasn’t backed it up.

Mom threw all my records away after Grenada (she was an old school hippie, hated that I joined the army after high school). Forgot about the Chipmunks until I saw the news reports about the overdose. Friend was able to copy me an old cassette. A copy of a copy. Shit was scratchy as hell. Sound quality was garbage. But god, it was just what I remembered. Their early stuff was so packed with promise. The righteous anger of youth.
I know it’s their later sound that gets all the praise, when they started experimenting (in every sense of the word), but for me? I still remember that grin before he rocked our world."

- Dee Oh Dee
