The Riddle of the Circus

Imagine, for a moment, that you are about to take a trip. You book a flight at a deserted airport to a city you have never heard of. You sit at the terminal as your flight is delayed several times, before finally boarding three hours late. Aboard the plane, you are the only passenger. A blonde flight attendent offers you a bag of peanuts. You open the bag and empty its contents onto your tray table. You count seven peanuts. Despite taking off late, you land several minutes early. Leaving the airport, you realize the cabbie you called never showed up. Stumbling down the road, dazed, as if in a fugue state, you quickly become lost. There are no road signs, no identifying landmarks, and not a single living thing but you as far as the eye can see. Eventually, you find yourself at a crossroads between thinking, feeling, knowing, and believing. At that crossroads, you find a circus. Now, here is the question; are you the circus, or am I?

About the Webmaster

I am an adult human email living on the planet Earth, third from its respective star, which is called the Sun. I like talking about literary analysis and sexual fetishism. My favorite colors are green and orange. My best friend/rival is Lola, and she is a little white cat. When I grow up, I want to be a silverback gorilla.

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Site Updates

04.05.2024 : I finally finished my first shrine, dedicated to chipmunkson16speed.
04.04.2024 : A new blog entry appeared... I also added a contact link and did a general font overhaul as well as streamlining some of the site's HTML.
01.17.2024 : Added featured video.
01.04.2024 : Added a page for external links.
01.03.2024 : You can comment now. Scroll down in this box. Leave a comment.

Older Updates 12.14.2023 : Posted a new blog entry, added some stuff to the lyric book, and fixed a few broken gifs. I also added an 88x31 button a few days ago but forgot to post an update about it.
12.11.2023 : Added favicons to all existing pages.
12.10.2023 : Added blog page and lyric book. I also updated the navigation to be JS based for convenience. Joined the Self-Insert Webring.
12.09.2023 : This site now exists. Hooray! I don't have any grand plans for this project yet. For now, I'm just going where the wind takes me.